فارسی عربي

Khameh-Duzi: Intricate silk embroidery from Iran

Khameh-Duzi, a traditional form of embroidery, originates from Iran.

Khameh-Duzi, a traditional form of embroidery, originates from Iran.

The craft flourishes in the Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan, particularly in Zabol city and its surroundings.

The beauty of this art can be seen on a wide range of items, including prayer rugs, clothing, handkerchiefs, tablecloths, blankets, cushions, and many other objects.

The term ‘Khameh’ originates from ‘Kham’, meaning raw, highlighting the use of undyed silk yarns on soft, white fabrics.

Crafting Khameh-Duzi is an intricate process that demands meticulous needlework.

In clothing, it often accompanies Siah-Duzi, a black yarn embroidery. This pairing adds depth and contrast to the artwork, such as black stitches on collar cuffs and buttonholes.

The essential materials for Khameh-Duzi include satin or cotton fabric, a needle, a mirror, and white silk yarn.

Khameh-Duzi stands as a testament to Iran’s artistic heritage and the skilled hands that bring these intricate designs to life.

